Hip Thrusts to get a butt you can bounce a quarter off of!

One of the top fitness concerns that some women have is how to get a nice back end. Well with the right exercise and doing that exercise consistently will have that caboose turning heads in no time. The main exercise to use here is the hip thrust. Stat off by lying on the ground and with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Now push with your feet and raise your butt and back off of the ground and at the top of the movement your back , butt and knees should be in a straight line.

Once you can do 3 sets of 20 easily then try elevating your shoulders like on a couch or chair. and this will give you more range of motion. The next progression will be shoulders and feet equally elevated giving you the most range of motion. Once your busting out 3×20 on those then start the process over except only use one foot at a time and keep the other knee pulled up toward your chest.