Using fatgripz to increase forearm activation with body-weight exercises

Today I want to cover something I’ll be incorporating into future workouts.  It’s really pretty simple and just involves purchasing some Fatgripz to make your bars and dumbbells thicker, for example pull-ups with Fatgripz will put more emphasis on the forearm muscles.  I will be adding links to order Fatgripz shortly.  Other uses include curls and forearm curls.  a month of arm workouts with the Fatgripz should yield increased size and definition that you’ll enjoy looking at in the mirror.


I will be doing Fatgripz pull-ups and a forearm workout using Fatgripz over the dumbbells.  I’m looking forward to these workouts. So until next time.  Do Work!

Use the above picture link below to get your Fatgripz today, and also leave comments and share what results you gain from using them.